The Urban Legend of the Killer in the Backseat:
Driving down a dark and dusty road can be frightening, when you feel so disconnected from the rest of the world. This was especially true before the age of cell phones. This urban legend played on those fears of being alone on a highway, with someone sinister lurking right behind you.
A woman is driving all alone on a quiet country highway. From the distance, she sees headlights come up behind her. It’s a large truck, with a shadowy figure in the driver’s seat. The truck follows her for a few miles when, suddenly, it flashes its headlights at her. The woman motions for the truck to go around, yet they continue to follow her. The woman is frustrated and goes to motion for the car to pass again, when suddenly the car speeds up and rams the back of her car.
When she accelerates, so does the truck.
When she turns, so does the truck.
The girl is terrified!
In a panic she tries to lose the truck, pulling up to her parents house, she runs inside, telling her parents to call the police. The truck also pulls in, and a big, burly truck driver comes storming inside. The woman begins to panic, only to be surprised when the truck driver asks the parents to call the police as well.
There is lots of confusion, until the police arrives. There was a murderous man in the woman’s backseat the whole time, and her was just trying to trying to warn her.